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Std Unique_Lock. The wait operations atomically release the mutex and suspend the execution of the thread. Mutex >, on the same mutex as used to protect the shared variable either check the condition, in case it was already updated and notified execute wait, wait_for, or wait_until.
Locks the given lockable objects lock1, lock2,., lockn using a deadlock avoidance algorithm to avoid deadlock. The wait operations atomically release the mutex and suspend the execution of the thread. The objects are locked by an unspecified series of calls to lock, try_lock, and unlock.if a call to lock or unlock results in an exception, unlock is called for any locked objects before rethrowing.
Mutex >, On The Same Mutex As Used To Protect The Shared Variable Either Check The Condition, In Case It Was Already Updated And Notified Execute Wait, Wait_For, Or Wait_Until.
The objects are locked by an unspecified series of calls to lock, try_lock, and unlock.if a call to lock or unlock results in an exception, unlock is called for any locked objects before rethrowing. The wait operations atomically release the mutex and suspend the execution of the thread. 另外,unique_lock 也有提供 lock()、unlock() 等函数,可以用来加锁解锁mutex,也算是功能比较完整的地方。 unique_lock本身还可以用于std::lock参数,因为其具备lock、unlock、try_lock成员函数,这些函数不仅完成针对mutex的操作还要更新mutex的状态。 3 std::unique_lock其它成员函数
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